Explore the social and artistic dimensions of games at DE:HIVE, where science, education and entrepreneurship come together in one place.

Join us in shaping the future of play, art, and technology.

DE:HIVE is a 2000 square metre, world-class GAME HUB, where over 200 students, researchers, founders and educators work together in a vibrant environment, fostering the connection between games, art and technology. Explore the dynamic intersection of art, technology, commerce, and societal dynamics that shape the discourse and application of game design.

Game Teaching

Learn how to make games.

Game Science

Understanding Games in a society in flux.

Game Incubation

Create games. Start your own company.

Game Thinking

Designing systems like games.

Game Transfer

Game know-how for the real world.

Game Spaces

Vibrant spaces for events and workshops

Study Game Design

GAME DESIGN: Bridging Art and Tech for Digital Innovation. Explore the cultural significance of games and master the multidisciplinary craft of game creation. From concept to production, unleash your creativity and technical prowess.
Join the future of entertainment and art.


  • Practical Skills: Develop essential competencies for the games industry and related fields.
  • Theory Integration: Gain insights to inform hands-on game development.
  • Individual Specialization: Customize your studies to align with your career goals.


  •  Focuses on an artistic or artistic-technical project, which can also have an entrepreneurial focus.
  • Project-based studies
  •  a community for cooperative work, feedback, playtesting, exchange and team-oriented game development